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The Warrior Scholar's Journal
Monday, 15 June 2009
Truth isTruth...
Topic: Metaphysics
Summary of the Essential Principles of the Science of Consciousness

By David R. Hawkins, MD PhD
  1. Consciousness is the formless, invisible field of energy of infinite dimension and potentiality, the substrate of all existence, independent of time, space, or location, of which it is independent yet all inclusive and all present.
  2. Because the field of consciousness encompasses all existence beyond all limitation, dimension, or time, it registers all events, no matter how seemingly miniscule, such as even a fleeting thought.
  3. Because the registration of all events occurs outside of time and place, they are timelessly accessible due to the unique qualities inherent to the energy field of consciousness itself.
  4. Consciousness is the irreducible substrate of the human capacity to know or experience, to perceive or witness, and it is the essence of the capacity for awareness itself.
  5. The field of consciousness exists independently of mankind yet is included within it.  It is the irreducible substrate, the Absolute, in comparison to which all that exists is relative.
  6. Consciousness represents a field of infinite power and potential, out of which the manifest universe as Creation arises as a continuous, ongoing process.
  7. The entire universe, both known and unknown, exists independently of human description and is essentially one unified, total field within which are variable levels of vibrational frequencies that appear as the observable universe.  As in the physical domain, the higher frequency of the vibrational energy, the greater the power.
  8. The universal, all-encompassing vibrational field of energy is descriptively omnipresent and is therefore omniscient and all-powerful (omnipotent).  The presence of the field of consciousness is known by all sentient beings as the subjective awareness of existence itself.  Thus, the awareness of the presence of consciousness as the substrate of existence is the primordial subjective reality underlying all possible human experience.
  9. The levels of consciousness are identifiable by use of a simple quality of consciousness itself, and the omniscience of consciousness recognizes and responds to that which has existence and is true by virtue of the fact of that existence.  Thus, consciousness, like a mirror, impersonally reflects actuality, which is unchanged and unaffected by that process.  Consciousness, therefore, does not “do” anything, but, similar to gravity, it provides the context out of which potentiality actualizes from formless to form, from nonexperienced to experienced.
  10. Comparable to the laws of the conservation of energy or conservation of matter, the law of the conservation of life prevails.  Life itself is not capable of being destroyed buy can only change form by shifting to a different frequency range (in human experience, the “etheric,” the “spiritual,” and other energy realms described throughout time).
  11. Because all that exists represents a level of energy vibration, a scale of consciousness can be constructed that is internally consistent and of pragmatic value.  A logarithmic scale of consciousness from 1 to 1,000, which starts at number “1” as the existence of life itself and continues to 1,000 (the highest level of consciousness ever reached by mankind), is sufficient to include all possible frequency ranges of human consciousness.  Such a scale can be demonstrated to be highly informative and of great practical as well as theoretical value in understanding mankind, the question of divinity, and the universe.
  12. Consciousness research is the only science available to mankind at the present time that enables investigation of the relative energy levels of both linear and nonlinear paradigms, their domains, and the realities that are beyond time, location, or dimension and that exist as both identifiably objective as well as subjective.

Posted by sifubryant at 6:05 PM EDT

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